Introducing Lumina Flex

This our in-house, flexible energy purchasing solution that will enable you to manage and reduce your energy costs more effectively.

If you’re looking for:

  • Longer term buying windows (flexible purchasing can begin from 24 months in advance)
  • Increased market opportunity
  • Avoidance of market spikes
  • Greater volume tolerance projection that a group basket provides
  • Better certainty and risk avoidance
  • Lower supplier management fees

Lumina Flex could be the option for your company.

Interested in Lumina Flex?

Reach out to our team below and we can discuss your current company usage, requirements and whether Lumina Flex will be the perfect fit.

How does it work?

Put simply, it’s taking your annual energy usage and buying it at various times across the year to work towards the best possible price for your energy contract, compared with buying all your energy at once with a fixed price.

"Lumina flex option provides us with stability"

“We started working with Lumina Energy three years ago. What appealed to us what that they were a local company and offered green alternatives. I since developed a great relationship with my Energy Consultant, Ian and now Lumina look after my 70 accounts across the Culligan portfolio.

The Lumina flex option provides us with stability that energy units are purchased when the price is right, and confidence that our accounts are being monitored by a single supplier. This gives us all time to concentrate on other business critical projects with the peace of mind my energy portfolio is in good hands.

We feel having the flexibility of Lumina Flex will allow us to have a more manged portfolio and we see the potential benefit of costs savings when the energy is purchased in bulk at the lower levels.”

Why consider a Flexible strategy for your company?

Budget Certainty

Flexible buying comes in various strategies, we’ve deliberately designed Lumina Flex so that 100% of the energy (the commodity) is purchased before each price period, and that non commodity costs are fixed, meaning our customers have greater budget certainty.

Risk Management

Managing risk is a crucial aspect of flexible energy procurement and Lumina Flex assesses these risks and acts on your behalf, taking into consideration energy price fluctuations, regulatory changes, and supply disruptions.

More Opportunities

By offering an extended purchase window this means there are more buying opportunities available compared to more short-term strategies or a Fixed price contract where all energy is purchased in one go. Our analysis shows that over the past three years, on average, the pricing for Flexible contracts outperforms the average Fixed price contract by 6%, and outperformed the market highs during the 2022 energy crisis by up to 80%.

Renewable Energy

If your business is looking to incorporate renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, into your flexible purchasing contract, there are options available for both green electricity and gas.

Access to Experts

Our team monitor energy markets closely, using market leading systems, to ensure energy purchases are made at the right time.

Ready to Flex your energy?

If you’re interested in finding out more about Lumina Flex and how it would work for your business, please contact our team on 01622 236 888 and quote FLEX and we’ll be happy to answer any questions and discuss the finer details of how our brand-new energy product works.

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